Monday, April 19, 2010

The land is prepared

The buildings are well and truly gone.

The site is being prepared for building.

Watch this space!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The buildings are gone!

This is what's left of the Year 1 and Kindy classroom today. The digger just grabbed onto the roof and pulled - hey, presto! and the roof was on the ground.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kindy and Year 1 have moved out

Don't worry - Kindy and Year 1 moved out BEFORE the fence was put up!
Kindy has moved to the library and Year 1 has moved to the hall. The rooms are very spacious, so everyone is comfortable. As you can see, the rooms are well set up and it's business as usual.

Site set up

The building is about to begin!

The builders have set up the site, which included delivering the site sheds and fencing off the building site. Luckily the mesh is see through enough so that we can peek at what is going on. We have lost half of the main playground, but are so lucky to have the big space in the car park (which is now a car free zone).