Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not long now.

Today, the Bovis 'wrap' around the building site was removed. We can now see across the playground to the new buildings. The site was prepared today for the bitumen to be laid on the weekend.

Next week all the final 'bits and pieces' will be completed. Our hope is that we will start moving in during the following week.

The refurbished tuck shop.

The improvements keep on happening!

Our valuable helpers have really enjoyed working in the new tuck shop. The colour scheme has been chosen to complement the colour scheme of the new buildings across the playground.

I'm sure the food tastes better now.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Boys' Toilets completed

Also during the holidays, the boys toilets were refurbished. They look great. I'm sure the boys will look after their new area.

The end is in sight.

On our return to school this term, the scaffolding surrounding the building had been removed and work had begun inside the new rooms. The tilers are here in force today, laying the tiles to make the walkway "covered". Painting has begun inside the buildings. If this pace keeps up, the building should be ours within the near future!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Inside the compound

The new walkway has blended in well with the verandah.

This photo is just to prove that I climbed the scaffolding to view the roof and site from above. Maybe a bridge climb is not out of the question!!

Outside the new buildings. The scaffolding will hopefully be removed soon.

The area between the new classroom and library will provide a quiet area to work and play.

The north wall of the library with foreman Aaron in the foreground.

Looking out from the library to the playground.

The library facing towards the rear workroom.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Scaffolding for roof installation.

An enormous steel structure has been built around the new buildings. This scaffolding will protect the men as they work on the new roof. As well as steel walkways, there has been strong steel netting placed over the entire roof area. This is an extra safety precaution for the builders.
It is really important that the workers are safe on the building site!

Covered walkway columns

The brick columns have been built. These will support the tiled roof over the covered walkway. We will be able to walk around the school without getting wet when it rains!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The girls toilets were renovated during the holidays. To our surprise, they were completed BEFORE we returned to school (instead of in about Week 2!).

Work on the boys toilets will start in a couple of weeks.

Lots of work was done during the holidays as the following photos show.

New Stair well railings

Carpeting of the upstairs corridor

Transformation of old library into a classroom and a small withdrawl room

Structure for covered walkway

Brickwork on new buildings.

Moving along nicely!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The bricks were delivered today.

The pallets of bricks were delivered this morning. It would be interesting to work out how many there are - there's a challenge for you!
The brick walls will start to be built tomorrow. There should be quite a change by the time we get back next week.

Steel structure takes form.

Within a couple of days, the steel structure for both new rooms was erected. The shape is becoming apparent. Soon, the roof and walls will be added.

The frameworkk is delivered.

The big crane was used to deliver the structural steel that would be fit together to form the frame for the two new buildings. It it so clever how the steel is carefullly installed.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Foundation for library progressing

The waffle pods have been laid for the library foundation. The concrete will be poured very soon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Pour of Concrete

When we arrived at school this morning, the concrete trucks had arrived and had started the first pour. A crane was used to get the concrete from the truck, over the fence and onto the building site.

The slab is down for the new classroom and the covered outdoor learning area (COLA). There will be a second pour when the formwork for the new library is complete.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The formwork begins.

The formwork for the concrete slab is being laid at the moment. Big blocks of polystyrofoam, called waffle pods are laid first, with steel mesh placed over the top.

When all that is done, the concrete will be poured. We can't wait to see all the concrete mixers when they arrive!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Slowly but surely!

There is a lot of work going on that we can't see. Lots of things are buried underground.
Isn't it amazing how these pipes will be in exactly the right place? Builders, engineers and architects are very clever people.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Underground Services

When we left today, the builders moved in to dig a trench to lay the underground services. This is where the cables for electricity, internet etc will go.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The land is prepared

The buildings are well and truly gone.

The site is being prepared for building.

Watch this space!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The buildings are gone!

This is what's left of the Year 1 and Kindy classroom today. The digger just grabbed onto the roof and pulled - hey, presto! and the roof was on the ground.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kindy and Year 1 have moved out

Don't worry - Kindy and Year 1 moved out BEFORE the fence was put up!
Kindy has moved to the library and Year 1 has moved to the hall. The rooms are very spacious, so everyone is comfortable. As you can see, the rooms are well set up and it's business as usual.

Site set up

The building is about to begin!

The builders have set up the site, which included delivering the site sheds and fencing off the building site. Luckily the mesh is see through enough so that we can peek at what is going on. We have lost half of the main playground, but are so lucky to have the big space in the car park (which is now a car free zone).