Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Pour of Concrete

When we arrived at school this morning, the concrete trucks had arrived and had started the first pour. A crane was used to get the concrete from the truck, over the fence and onto the building site.

The slab is down for the new classroom and the covered outdoor learning area (COLA). There will be a second pour when the formwork for the new library is complete.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The formwork begins.

The formwork for the concrete slab is being laid at the moment. Big blocks of polystyrofoam, called waffle pods are laid first, with steel mesh placed over the top.

When all that is done, the concrete will be poured. We can't wait to see all the concrete mixers when they arrive!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Slowly but surely!

There is a lot of work going on that we can't see. Lots of things are buried underground.
Isn't it amazing how these pipes will be in exactly the right place? Builders, engineers and architects are very clever people.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Underground Services

When we left today, the builders moved in to dig a trench to lay the underground services. This is where the cables for electricity, internet etc will go.